Astigafa: The Last Couple Weeks
Last night at the Alle-Ey 2/29/76, & at the Backseat in March, 1976.

Drinking! Here's where we were vikings! Sometime during our last week at the Alle-Ey, Dick, Francis, & Dan.

The Alle-Ey in East Lansing was always a great time for us. Perhaps it was the 25 cent hot dogs, or maybe it was the dime beers, or it could have been the darting, ferret-like behavior of the little weasel who managed the place, or just the musty smell of a basement bar?   Good times...good times...

In any case, our last night at the Alle-Ey, which I believe was Sunday, February 29, 1976, was Astigafa's last night as far as I was concerned. Yeah, I know the last time the band played together as Astigafa was at the Backseat, a week or so later (was that in Lake Orion?), but that didn't count. The Alley-Ey was really Astigafa's home bar.

Sadly, these are the only pictures I have of those last couple weeks. The back of the pictures all indicate that the Alle-Ey pictures were taken February 29, 1976, and the ones from the Backseat were taken in "March." These lo-fi pics were probably taken with Brenda's Crappo ® Instamatic. Actually, that crappy camera took dozens of great pictures. The problem is that the 3x3 inch pictures have all color-shifted to orange. I scanned them in at 300dpi, and this was the best I could do to clean them up.

By the way, the Alle-Ey no longer exists. That whole block along MAC was dug up, the earth salted to ensure it never came back, and a Rite-Aid and several boring restaurants were built in it's place.

Enjoy the pictures.

Alle-Ey. Here's Dan not playing the Fender Precision, Marshall with a Telecaster, & Dick not playing drums. I'm not sure what's going on here.

Backseat. Here's Marshall relaxing during a break by kicking back with Swedish Fish. Carol wants fish too.


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